Dienstag, 11. März 2014

the end of all what happened with that guy

Yesterday he texted me and told me, that he wasn't sure if I have feelings for him (I kind of do..) but anyway he doesn't. He actually wanted to clarify the situation personal but he just wanted to solve the "problem". At first, I didn't know how to react but anyway I texted him back saying something like that: I can understand what you mean. Everything went kind of curious and we both weren't sure what's going on. I said something which went in the direction that I have no feelings for him either such as everything went dumb but I don't remember it exactly. At least I got over him after 10 minutes after I started listing to music haha! I'm glad that everything ended now. It just made me unhappy and stuff like that. My dreamboy will come anyhow and anytime, I'm only 15 so what am I waiting for??

Don't let you beat down by a guy!


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